Run! Run! As fast as you can...
...You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Class 1 are reading the traditional tale The Gingerbread Man this week and linking it to all aspects of our learning. Just today we have been retelling the story using character voices, counting how many buttons The Gingerbread Man has, designing…
Hand Puppets
In Class 3, we have been working very hard to fill our marble jar. We gain marbles in class and when our jar is full we are rewarded with a class treat. We earn marbles for lots of things, including:
- working hard
- good behaviour
- team-work
- being kind to one…
Art and Design
Autumn Artwork!
This afternoon, we ventured outside to create some Autumn artwork. We worked in teams to collect materials found on the playground and field and made a piece of art related to Autumn, Halloween or Bonfire night. We have had a fantastic afternoon, it was great fun!

Christmas in September!
Christmas in September!
Yes - it may only be September, but it is that time of year again to make our Christmas cards to ensure there is sufficient time for them to be ordered, sent off, printed and returned ready for Christmas!
Class 4 had fun creating a water colour, rainbow backdrop and…
Building Bridges
Bridge building challenge
Written by Maddie and Millie
In our Design and Technology lesson, we were challenged to work collaboratively to design and construct a bridge structure made out of the materials we had all brought into school. These included: cardboard, string, plastic bottles, pipe…

This week we painted impressionist paintings of Monet's garden.
We used to cotton buds instead of paintbrushes to help create the broad brushstrokes used in the impressionism style.

Fashion Designers
Class 4 Fashion Designers!
This week, Class 4 were set the challenge of designing a costume for a character out of Aladdin (our end of year production!)
After lots of research, we gathered our ideas and created 'fashion boards' to display these, thinking about the type of character we…

Clay Creations
Clay Creations
In Art this half term, we have produced many pieces of work around Ancient Egypt. We started off by learning about Hieroglyphics and painted these onto sand paper. This created a great effect. We then investigated typical art work of Pharoahs and drew our own portraits using…
Art and Design
Roman Shields
Don't our Roman shields look FANTASTIC? This week, we began to piece together our decorative design, using a variety of materials and crafting techniques. We have a little more to add before we're ready for battle though!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo…
Art and Design
Roman Shields!
In Art this afternoon, we have been painting the inside of our shields! They're coming along very nicely, we're excited to decorate the front next week!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
Art and Design
Roman Shields!
We are very excited in Class 3 to be bringing History alive! In Art this half term, we are making Roman shields. On Wednesday, we gave our shields their first cover of red paint! Don't they look amazing already?
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo…

Geography - China
Chinese Zodiac Signs
On the last day of spring term, Class 2 completed their geography topic about China.
Class 2 created these Chinese Zodiac plaques using lolly sticks, glue, red paint and card. Once they’d made their signs, the children used black marker pens to write the symbols of the…