Street Art
Street Art
Class 4 through sketching developed ideas and techniques for artwork with stylised graffiti lettering. In their sketchbook, the pupils then created their own 'throwies' which a signature of their name

Science - Electricity
This afternoon Class 3 thoroughly enjoyed constructing electrical circuits using wires, bulbs, switches and batteries. They worked as a team to complete challenges and explored what is needed to make a complete circuit. Fantastic work today!

School Council update
Aberford School Council
After our successful school council meeting today, we have discussed - :
1. Holding a bun sale in aid of the Alzheimer's Society
2. We have raised enough money to be able to purchase the paint to rejuvenate our friendship bench
We are now looking to our…

History - The Stone Age
Cave Paintings
Class 3 have travelled back in time to the Stone Age era and created some amazing cave paintings!
Cave paintings are paintings on cave walls and ceilings. Usually, these paintings were made in prehistoric times. Most cave paintings date from 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. The…

English - The Stone Age Boy
The Stone Age Boy
In English today we re-created a hunting scene from our book. Om and her family took The Stone Age Boy on a group hunt, what an experience! We brainstormed thoughts, feelings and actions of each character. It was great fun, bringing drama into our English lessons.
Homework Club
Homework Club
At homework club this week, we completed Task 7 - to create a large Art Attack! As a team, we decided to create a flower using ourselves. We used our jumpers for the centre of the flower, the girls as petals, Miss Brown as the stalk and the boys as the leaves!

Art and Design
Art - 'A Starry Night'
In Art this week, we looked at Van Gogh's 'A Starry Night'. Everyone was given a small part of the painting to enlarge to A4 using oil pastels. We each focussed on the colours, swirls and tiny details. Together, our work looks amazing!!
Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance
A belated post to show pictures of Class One's dragon! A group of children worked tirelessly over a number of weeks to create their own Chinese Dragon. To celebrate Chinese New Year we took to the playground to dance with our dragon head, along with the painted red tail and musical…
Sporty day in Class One
Class One
What a sport-centred day Class One have had!
In Collective Worship, we talked about how our Christian value of the term, Compassion, was being shown by our donations to Sports Relief.
We then started moving with an obstacle course in the hall. The children showed great jumping,…
Homework Hero Class 2
Class 2 Homework Hero
Class two have been thinking about why it is important to be different. Here are Renita's thoughts about why it is good to be different.

Junior Jam
Class 2 Stop Motion Animation
Class 2 are currently learning about stop motion animation in their Junior Jam sessions. They have been taking lots of still photographs and putting them together to make short films of objects moving around the screen.
Watch this space, you might see the…
Homework Hero Class 2
Homework Hero Class 2
This week Class 2 have been investigating the number 6. Look how many different ways Megan used to investigate the number!
Fantastic work!