Into the Forest Artwork
Into the Forest Artwork
Class 4 created some amazing abstract artwork images based upon the artist David Hockney when we ventured Into the Forest. First the children looked at the artist David Hockney and his style of working when he painted landscapes of trees.
From here the pupils…

We went into the forest!
Into the Forest
Class One absolutely loved going 'Into the Forest' with the rest of the school on Thursday. We especially enjoyed squelching in the mud. We decided it looked like hot chocolate and was just missing marshmallows.
We also enjoyed seeing all the unexpected sights in the forest…
Fudge's Diary
Fudge's Christmas with Maddie
Fudge looks like he's had a fabulously snowy Christmas with Maddie, he also looks like he got up to lots of mischief!
Art and Design
Piet Mondrian
This afternoon Class 3 have been looking at the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. We have taken his iconic style of straight lines and primary colours and adapted it to fit out 'Into the Forest' theme. Take a look below at our fabulous art work ..
Take a closer look at our photos…

Into the Forest
Into the Forest
Class 3 absolutely loved our walk this morning! We enjoyed exploring many different fairytales and adventures along the way. Despite the constant rain, we smiled the whole way round and were thankful for the puddles and mud we could jump in!
Take a closer look at…
Christmas Calendars 2018
Christmas Calendars 2018
Class 4 painted their Christmas calendars by extending the picture they selected in the middle of the page. The children then had to imagine what their image would be like along the horizon or in the distance and then colour mix and match the photograph. As you can see…
Christmas Cards
Class 4 Christmas Cards
Class 4 enjoyed making their Christmas tree wordle Christmas cards. Here are their creations ...

Key Stage One Nativity
Key Stage One Nativity
Lights Camel Action!
This week we performed our nativity, in Class 2. As the class teacher, i could not be any prouder of all the children. The work and effort they put into the show was amazing, resulting in a spectacular performance.
Well done and a massive thank…
Homework Hero Class 2
Our homework task this week was to create a winter picture. There were so many amazing pictures! Here is just a selection. Well done Class 2.

Pupil Blog - Arthur Christmas
Pupil blog by Ruby and Kaitlyn
This week in English we have been looking at the film Arthur Christmas to get us in the Christmas mood. We are looking at the little girl called Gwen and how she didn’t get her present, a pink twinkle bike. We are helping Gwen by writing a formal letter of…
Homework Hero Class 2
Class 2 Homework Hero
This week class 2 have been writing sets of rules for homework. It was lovely reading so many different types of rules: game rules, class rules, karate rules, bus rules, friendship rules, to name just some.
Our homework hero goes to Lavaya for her drawing…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 5
Homework this week was fantastic! Week upon week, I am impressed with the quality and effort put in. Well done to our homework heroes this week, Tilly, Bailey and Chloe. Take a look at their fantastic work below!