The Spaghetti and Marshmallow Challenge
Teamwork Challenge
"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." (Henry Ford)
Class 4 had a fun-filled first day back as they were challenged to build the tallest tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows. The children had to use many…

Performance Poetry
Class 2 have had a great morning today. We have been learning road safety poems and performing them to the rest of the class.

Is it magnetic?
Theo used the building resources to create a treasure hunter. This led to discussions about machines that can detect treasure and magnetic objects. We got out the magnets and enjoyed exploring what we could find that was magnetic. We sorted the objects into a Venn diagram - items that were…

Class 4 - Our Graffiti Walls
Class 4 - Our Graffiti Walls
Class 4 were shown examples of stencil street art which is used for advertising. From here the children had to explain how graffiti and street art may be used to appeal to advertisers and how street artists develop their own distinctive styles: it can be bright,…

Street Art Renovation
Street Art Renovation
Class 4 investigated how graffiti has become increasingly seen as an art form and looked at the history about graffiti in New York City and how it has become increasingly elaborate over time..
The children studied how street artists have been commissioned to create works…

School Council update
Aberford School Council
The School Council are now delighted to unveil our refurbished Friendship Bench and are looking forward to our next project.
We are proud to announce that the final total for The Alzheimer's Society bun sale was £74.00. Thank you for all the wonderful cake…

Junior Jam
Junior Jam
Class 2 had a great time creating their own spy films, today, on the ipads. Here are a few action shots taken out on the field.

In English today we used the laptop to conduct research on different areas of the Stone Age. In pairs, the children researched;
- Cave paintings
- Hunting
- The importance of fire
- Daily life
- Weapons
- Eating habits
- Stonehenge
- Burials
In their English books, they…

Art and Design
Art - Stonehenge
Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous monuments. It stands on Salisbury Plain, in Wiltshire, and its giant stones can be seen from miles around. Stonehenge was built over many hundreds of years. Work began in the late Neolithic Age, around 3000BC. Class 3 researched the…