Maths Reasoning and Problem Solving
Class 2 loves problem-solving!
We are getting really good at giving clear explanations for our answers and giving reasons for our problem-solving solutions. We know how important it is to be able to explain how we came up with our answer.
Today we…

Our Year 6 children took their Road Safety learning to a whole new level this week as they embarked on their 'Bikeability' level 1 and level 2.
Written by Oliver, Poppy and Millie B:
On the 24th September, Year 6 excitedly set off to complete their level 1 with Angela from the…
Comparing Habitats
In English we are reading the story 'Wild' by Emily Hughes. Today we were comparing the habitat of the forest and how animals are suited to live there, compared with Humans living in houses.
Making Music
Making Music
Written by Evie D and Olivia:
This week in Junior Jam, we were challenged with re- creating a well known tune using Garage Band. We had to use the original song as a basis and then make it our own by creating a slightly different version. Our group selected to work on the…
Minibeast Data Handling
Class 2 have been learning about data handling in science and have been sorting minibeasts onto a pictogram in order to record data.

Dino's Diary
Dino's Weekend Diary
Wow, Dino has had a busy start to the year! He's enjoyed three fabulous weekends so far, with Kaitlyn, Bailey and Freya. Take a look at his adventures below ..
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 3
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 3
After our Scooter Safety and our Road Safety sessions, Class 4 were tasked with presenting all of their learning from these in a creative way. On Monday morning, Mrs Warner was inundated with videos, models, eye-catching posters and information leaflets…
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 2
We have had yet again some amazing homework in Class 3, lots of pieces stood out but this week our homework heroes are Madeleine, Natey, Violet and Alexa - well done!!
made an amazing Roman shield, using cardboard and paints. He looked carefully at the…

Class Two's Quotes of the Week
After another amazing week in Class 2, here are some of our children's Quotes of the Week.
"We learnt to cross the road safely. I really enjoyed it.
James.D. Year 1.
"We played traffic lights in PE, the roundabout was my favourite."
Bethany. Year 1.
"I liked singing…
Maths Manipulatives
Maths Manipulatives
In Class 2 we use lots of different maths manipulatives to help us with our maths learning. This week in our work on place value, we have been using numicon, ten frames, counters and base 10 equipment to help us investigate the value of different numbers.

Year 6 Buddies
Class 1 loved meeting their Year 6 Buddies for the first time. The Year 6 children were so mature and nurturing towards the new children and it was a real pleasure to see and hear the buzz about reading together. Class 1 can't wait for Friday's play time now!

Book Hedgehogs
How cute are our book hedgehogs?! Class 3 have made some amazing book hedgehogs today, they are going to watch over and support our reading. Once we have read a book, we are going to write the name of it on a leave and place it under the hedgehog! By the end of the year, it will…