Our Year 6 children took their Road Safety learning to a whole new level this week as they embarked on their 'Bikeability' level 1 and level 2.
Written by Oliver, Poppy and Millie B:
On the 24th September, Year 6 excitedly set off to complete their level 1 with Angela from the Leeds City Council Bikeability team. We cycled up to the Jubilee Field and started by completing an 'M' check. This is where you have to check the bike from your front wheel all the way through to the handle bars, the pedals, the seat and the back wheel. After that, we were shown how to do a 'sudden stop'. We tested our skills when Angela shouted 'ANIMAL' and we had to perform a sudden stop to ensure we did not run over it! Next, we did a course with cones to practise riding around different obstacles whilst maintaining our balance. All of the Year 6 children successfully passed the level 1 objectives.
On the 25th September, we ventured out and about around the streets and roads of Aberford. We learned about different positions on the road, 'u' turns, T junctions and giving way. This was a good experience as we had to use the different skills we had been told about around traffic, parked cars and busy roads.Finally we put our skills into action by taking a bike ride up the Flyline.
We are proud to say that all Year 6 children also passed their level 2 and we now feel much more confident knowing the safety messages for riding a bike on the roads.