Harlow Carr
Class 2's Visit to Harlow Carr
We have had an amazing day today at RHS Harlow Carr. The sun was shining and we learnt all about trees and leaves. We now know the difference between an evergreen tree and a deciduous tree and can identify many different types of trees from their leaves and…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 5
This week, as part of our history World War 1 learning, the children were challenged to research all about the Battle of the Somme
and to present their information in a creative way.
All children discovered many interesting facts and were eager to…
Class 2's Habitats
This week Class 3 were lucky enough to be invited to view Class 2's amazing habitiat homework and we were blown away, they were absolutely amazing! The hard work, effort and creative ideas put into each and every one shone through, they were fantastic. Keep up the hard work Class 2, we're…

Roman Mosaics
Roman Mosaics
While Miss Brown was on a training course, we were lucky enough to have Mrs O'Neill teach us art this week. Linking to our History topic, we learnt about Roman mosaics and created our very own using different medias.

Class 2's Shoebox Habitats
Shoebox Habitat Challenge
Following on from our science learning on Habitats, Class 2's homework this week was to make a shoebox habitat for any animal of their choice.
We have been absolutely blown away by the quality of the work that has been produced by all the children and have…

Mapping for writing
Street Child
To launch the start of our new class novel, Street Child, we read the first chapter and then created a visualisation map of the room in which Jim Jarvis and his family live in. We decided upon the items that the family would have in the room and placed them within the…
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 4
Homework Heroes - Autumn 1 - Week 4
There was a mixture of emotions in Class 4 last week as we came to the end of our first class novel of the year, War Horse. Everyone was sad the book was over, but thrilled that Joey had a happy ending after being reunited with his beloved Albert.
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 3
This week's homework has been fantastic, there have been some wonderfully creative pieces handed in. This week we have 5 homework heroes in Class 3 because they were just too good! Well done to Luca, Jack, Maddy, Kaitlyn and Charlotte!

Pen Licence
Pen Licences
Well done to the first 3 pupils in Class 3 to be awarded their pen licences, they have been working very hard on their handwriting, spelling and presentation. They have proven they can be trusted with a pen, demonstrating beautiful cursive handwriting and a conscientious attitude…

School Council Elections
School Council
This week in school our 2018/2019 School Council elections took place. Lots of passionate, hard-working pupils put their names forward, creating campaigns, posters and mandates. I am incredibly proud of everyone who put their name forward and thank them for their hard work, it's…

Class Two's Quotes of the Week.
Welcome to this week's "Quotes of the Week."
"I have enjoyed Maths this week. I had to count different insects and write the answers in the boxes."
Seth. Year 1.
"We had to write what was the same and what was different about ourselves and the main character in 'Wild', this week in…

Minibeast Habitats
Minibeast Habitat Investigations With Class 1
This afternoon we spent some time with Class 1 on a range of activities linked with our work on minibeasts and habitats.
Some children worked with Mrs Jennings revamping the minibeast hotel that Year 1 created last year when they were in…