School Council
This week in school our 2018/2019 School Council elections took place. Lots of passionate, hard-working pupils put their names forward, creating campaigns, posters and mandates. I am incredibly proud of everyone who put their name forward and thank them for their hard work, it's been wonderful to see their enthusiasm, commitment and excitement towards making Aberford Primary School the best it can be. Commiserations to those who didn't get a place this year and a huge congratulations to those who did.
I am extremely proud to announce our Year 4 representatives are Ava and Leighton, and our Year 3 representatives are Renita and Leighton - well done!!
A huge well done to everyone in Class 3 who stood for election - I am extremely proud of you!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
16 October 2018
thank you for voting for me thank you so so much