Inspired by our enjoyment of the fireworks on Bonfire Night, Class One have explored the Hindu 'Festival of Light ' Diwali. Diwali is celebrated with lots of fireworks!
We have been learning about how Hindus prepare their houses for the festival and how they celebrate with their families. Some…

School Council Elections
School Council
This week in school our 2018/2019 School Council elections took place. Lots of passionate, hard-working pupils put their names forward, creating campaigns, posters and mandates. I am incredibly proud of everyone who put their name forward and thank them for their hard work, it's…

School Council update
Aberford School Council
The School Council are now delighted to unveil our refurbished Friendship Bench and are looking forward to our next project.
We are proud to announce that the final total for The Alzheimer's Society bun sale was £74.00. Thank you for all the wonderful cake…
Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance
A belated post to show pictures of Class One's dragon! A group of children worked tirelessly over a number of weeks to create their own Chinese Dragon. To celebrate Chinese New Year we took to the playground to dance with our dragon head, along with the painted red tail and musical…

British Values
In class 3 last week, we asked… What are British values? After speaking as a group we learned that the main values are:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without…