In class 3 last week, we asked… What are British values? After speaking as a group we learned that the main values are:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
During this session, we looked at the difference between democracy and a dictatorship and discussed what these were. We then looked at how democracy works on a daily basis in our parliament and in everyday situations. After our discussion we played a monopoly style game about democracy, this involved getting into groups and answering questions about what we had learned that day.
To finish off this game for the day each group were given a subject to ‘debate’, and had to convince the rest of the class to vote ‘for’ or ‘against’ their argument. Subjects that arose were ‘Should plastic bags be illegal?’, ‘Should fox hunting be made legal?’ and ‘Should homework be banned?’ Each group did a fantastic job of trying to convince their peers to vote for their argument and really took each other’s opinions on board.
Well done class 3!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
14 April 2017
I loved having a debate about different things in the world. Everyone had a really good side to their story.
PS. I recommend getting the week junior. Its a children's magazine about whats going on in the world. There is a new one every week so you can read it. Plus there is some games and quizzes in there to.