Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 1
Homework was fantastic again this week, well done to everyone! This week's homework heroes are Bailey, Madeleine, Kaitlyn and Maddy. Take a look at their wonderful work below.

Fudge's Diary
Fudge's half term with Evie
Fudge has had a fabulous birthday half term with Evie, he was even lucky enough to go caravanning! Take a look below ..

Pupil blog by Ava and Liam
Light and Dark
Our new topic in Science is light and dark. This week we were investigating light.
For the investigation we needed:
- A cardboard box
- Some small objects
- A pencil
- A torch
To begin with we put small holes using the pencil in the top…
Art and Design
Autumn Artwork!
This afternoon, we ventured outside to create some Autumn artwork. We worked in teams to collect materials found on the playground and field and made a piece of art related to Autumn, Halloween or Bonfire night. We have had a fantastic afternoon, it was great fun!
3D shapes!
Class 3 enjoyed getting out the Art straws and blu-tac this week, in order to create our own 3D shapes. First, we had to decide what 3D we were going to make, work out how many straws we would need (how many edges the shape has) then cut them to the correct length. Despite the…
3D shapes!
This week Class 3 are looking at 3D shapes! Today we worked out how many faces, vertices and edges different 3D shapes have!
VE Day!
German radio announced on 1 May 1945 that Adolf Hitler had died. There was some reluctance at first from the Allies to accept that Hitler was dead, concerned that it might be the beginnings of an escape plot. After Hitler's death leadership of Germany passed to other high-ranking Nazi…

Fudge's Diary
Fudge's weekend with Maddy
This weekend, Fudge went to his first ever christening! Take a look...
Homework Hero
Homework Heroes - Week 5
We've made it to the end of the term! Quality of homework and effort put in has certainly not dropped since week one though, I was very impressed this week. However, a few stood out and our homework heroes are Liam, Ruby and Evie!
created a superb diagram of…
Fudge's Diary
Fudge's weekend with Seb
Fudge was extremely lucky to go home with Seb last weekend! The pair went to Leeds light show, on a bike ride and even to Issac's pirate party! Thank you for looking after him, Seb!
Eden Camp
Eden Camp
We had a fantastic trip on Thursday to Eden Camp, we loved exploring the museum and seeing things we had been learning about in class. The children were amazing, I'm very proud they represented the school so well.
Our favourite parts:
- pressing the 'DO NOT PRESS' button in…
Can states of matter change from one to another?
This week we have been investigating whether gases, liquids and solids can change from one the other. Our investigations showed they can!
Evaporation is the process of turning a liquid into a gas, it happens all around us,…