Local Geography Study
This week in Geography we started to look at our new topic of local geography in comparison to a town/ city in Europe. To start off our new topic we started to look at our local area of Aberford and get to know more about the area at our doorstep! Through looking at facts…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 1
Wow, our first week back after the Christmas break and homework has been amazing! I found it very difficult to chose 3 homework heroes this week, so instead, we have 4! A huge well done to Ruby, Madeleine, Alexander and
created an amazing trumpet out of…
Fudge's Diary
Fudge's Christmas with Maddie
Fudge looks like he's had a fabulously snowy Christmas with Maddie, he also looks like he got up to lots of mischief!
Art and Design
Piet Mondrian
This afternoon Class 3 have been looking at the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. We have taken his iconic style of straight lines and primary colours and adapted it to fit out 'Into the Forest' theme. Take a look below at our fabulous art work ..
Take a closer look at our photos…

Into the Forest
Into the Forest
Class 3 absolutely loved our walk this morning! We enjoyed exploring many different fairytales and adventures along the way. Despite the constant rain, we smiled the whole way round and were thankful for the puddles and mud we could jump in!
Take a closer look at…

Pupil Blog - Arthur Christmas
Pupil blog by Ruby and Kaitlyn
This week in English we have been looking at the film Arthur Christmas to get us in the Christmas mood. We are looking at the little girl called Gwen and how she didn’t get her present, a pink twinkle bike. We are helping Gwen by writing a formal letter of…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 5
Homework this week was fantastic! Week upon week, I am impressed with the quality and effort put in. Well done to our homework heroes this week, Tilly, Bailey and Chloe. Take a look at their fantastic work below!
Science - Light and Dark
This week we have been creating shadows! We had lots of fun on Tuesday, drawing around each other's shadows and creating hand shadows using torches. Can you work out whose shadow is who?

Fudge's Diary
Fudge's Weekend with Ruby
Fudge has got to be one of the luckiest monkeys around! He has a wonderful adventure every weekend, and this weekend was no exception! Take a look what he got up to with Ruby ..
Data Collection
This week in maths we are looking at statistics. We will be drawing bar charts, line graphs and pie charts as well as analysing the data presented to us in different forms. To start, we needed to collect our data! We headed outside for more space and, later in the week, will use…
In our grammar lesson last week, we looked at prepositions. Prepositions are very important words - they link words together in a way that makes sense. Prepositions come before a noun (or pronoun) to explain its relationship to other words in the sentence; they tell us the position…
We have been working hard in Class 3 this week, working out the perimeter of tricky shapes! Take a loo below ..