Homework Heroes - Summer 1 - Week 3
Homework Hero
This week,Year 5 pupils have handed in some amazing homework. They have shown off their maths skills with a challenging Magic Square activity where they were required to insert values to ensure each row, column and diagonal all added up to the same value.
Do you think you…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 2
This week the standard of homework in Class 3 has being amazing again! The children have created more Roman shields, found interesting facts, wrote beautiful poetry and much more...
has once again completed two fantastic pieces of homework. Firstly, she went…
What parts of a plant do we eat?
Well, that completely depends of what type of plant it is. Today Class 3 have been classifying plants, according to which part is eaten. There are 6 categories:
- Stem and shoots
- Leaves
- Roots
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Nuts and seeds
We then had great…
Roman roads
This week in History, we looked at why the Romans built new roads in Britain and created a model to show the cross section of a Roman road.
Before the Romans arrived, Britain had no proper roads. The Celts rode horses, walked and travelled in carts pulled by oxen along paths and…
Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend with Evie H
This weekend Leo spent the weekend with Evie H, and was treated to his first ever haircut! Doesn't he look smart now? Leo was then treated to a cup of tea and cake! I'm glad you had a fantastic weekend together!

Pupil Blog
Weekly blog by Maddy, Ava, Jack and Kaitlyn
We really enjoyed P.E. this week, we played 'Tig ball'. Jack thought it was 'Great! You had to tig people with a ball. I got 7 people out'. We also played dodgeball 'I was on the losing team,' said Maddy 'But it was still fun!'
Art and Design
Roman Shields!
We are very excited in Class 3 to be bringing History alive! In Art this half term, we are making Roman shields. On Wednesday, we gave our shields their first cover of red paint! Don't they look amazing already?
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo…

This week we had a very exciting Music session with Mrs Russell. She taught us how to play 'Easy E' using the chime bars. To start we found it a little tricky, by the end we sounded amazing.
We also sang 'Hey you.' This will help us in future to keep the pulse in a piece of…

Evolution and Inheritance
During our second Science session we started our learning by examining different types of fox, describing the environment they live in and about how the fox's characterisitcs have adapted to this particular environment. The children discussed ancestors, genetic…
This afternoon Class 3 have been identifying and describing different parts of flowering plants, including the roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. The children took their time, carefully drawing the plants, then labelled and annotated their drawings from their close…

Year 5 English - Poetry
In Engish this week, the Year 5 pupils have been looking at senses poems and how to create interesting descriptions using all five senses. We ventured outside to gather our ideas and explore the outdoor area to examine what we could: see, touch, smell and hear. We…
Homework Heroes - Summer 1 - Week 2
Homework Heroes - Summer 1 - Week 2
This week, I have selected a range of homework pieces. The first three are story continuations which the Year 5 children were asked to complete over the Easter break. I am sure you will agree that the children have written creative, gripping, thoughtful and…