Clay Creations
Clay Creations
In Art this half term, we have produced many pieces of work around Ancient Egypt. We started off by learning about Hieroglyphics and painted these onto sand paper. This created a great effect. We then investigated typical art work of Pharoahs and drew our own portraits using…
Class 4 Homework Heroes - Summer 1
Homework Heroes - Summer 1
This half term, I have been incredibily proud of the pieces of work produced for the homework tasks about Ancient Egypt. All of our Year 5 children have put a lot of effort into these and have completed some amazing creations! From wordsearches to quiz questions, from…
Planting our sunflowers!
It was time! Our sunflowers were ready to be planted into the flower beds today, we watered the soil and propped them up with gardening canes. We hope they flourish in their now home!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo gallery!
In our grammar lesson today we looked at prepositions. Prepositions are very important words - they link words together in a way that makes sense. Prepositions come before a noun (or pronoun) to explain its relationship to other words in the sentence; they tell us the position of a…
Look at how big our sunflowers are now.. they're just about ready to be planted outside.
At lunchtime, some volunteers helped to move some soil to get the flowers beds ready. We had to move and rake the soil, as well as removing all the weeds! Thank you for helping…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero - Week 5
Our last set of homework this term did not disappoint, well done to everyone this term - you've produced some truly fantastic pieces! I am very proud!
Evie H
created a wonderful large Art Attack on the pavement using chalks and pebbles, what a beautiful flower! She…
Homework Hero
Homework Hero
This week's homework Hero is Kaitlyn!
Kaityln painted an picture of the Great Fire of London on a wooden board. It features some buildings burning during the night with a small cart in the foreground.
Class 2 have really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London in…

Leo's Diary
Leo's weekend with Liberty
Leo was lucky enough to go home with the birthday girl this week - and even got an invite to her birthday party! On Saturday morning (6am!!), in excitement, they raced downstairs to open Liberty's presents! Later that day, the pair turned into mad scientists for what…
Dave from D-side visited us yesterday to talk about alcohol and peer pressure, we learnt about the different types of alcohol, how to deal with peer pressure and we even tried on ‘beer goggles’ to see how our vision is affected by alcohol. We found it very informative, thank you…
Art and Design
Roman Shields
Don't our Roman shields look FANTASTIC? This week, we began to piece together our decorative design, using a variety of materials and crafting techniques. We have a little more to add before we're ready for battle though!
Take a closer look at our photos in our photo…

Pupil Blog
Pupil Blog by Seb, Leighton, Freya, Charlotte, Ruby and Madeline
Our visitor Dave from D-Side
This week Dave came in from D-Side and we spoke about keeping ourselves fit, healthy and safe. 'We learnt about our different body parts and where they are inside us,' said Leighton. 'I really…
In maths this week, we've been learning all about angles. On Wednesday, we ventured out into the rain and spotted different angles in the playground. Our task was to draw around the angles we had found, then label someone else's angle correctly. We used the labels; acute, obtuse, right…