Homework Hero - Week 5

Our last set of homework this term did not disappoint, well done to everyone this term - you've produced some truly fantastic pieces! I am very proud! 

Evie H

created a wonderful large Art Attack on the pavement using chalks and pebbles, what a beautiful flower! She also wrote a lovely personification poem about the Venus Flytrap, the 'speed demon of the plant world.' Great work Evie!


designed and wrote a beautiful postcard from Roma, on her holiday she saw the colosseum which was 'absolutely huge' and also tucked into the local cuisine, eating pizza and ice-cream - yum!! For Tilly's second piece, she wrote a very convincing persuasive letter to Tesco encouraging them to change their 'disastrous decision' to ban the sale of chocolate. Tilly included many key features of persuasive writing we have looked at in class, amazing job - well done! 



also wrote a very persuasive letter to the supermarket persuading them to bring back 'juicy, healthy, lovely' fruit. Highlighting the point 'fruit will help children grow healthier and stronger, which will pass on to generation to generation, making a healthier planet.' Great work Liberty! Additionally, Liberty created a fantastic Roman shield and helmet! We are certainly ready in Class 3 if there was ever to be another invasion. 


Art Attack

take a look at the impressive large Art Attacks created this week by Billy, Harry, Charlie and Oliver - good work boys.