27 Jun

Class 4 - Our Graffiti Walls

Class 4 - Our Graffiti Walls

Class 4 were shown examples of stencil street art which is used for advertising. From here the children had to explain how graffiti and street art may be used to appeal to advertisers and how street artists develop their own distinctive styles: it can be bright,…

27 Jun

Street Art Renovation

Street Art Renovation

Class 4 investigated how graffiti has become increasingly seen as an art form and looked at the history about graffiti in New York City and how it has become increasingly elaborate over time..
The children studied how street artists have been commissioned to create works…

18 May

Street Art

Street Art

Class 4 through sketching developed ideas and techniques for artwork with stylised graffiti lettering. In their sketchbook, the pupils then created their own 'throwies' which a signature of their name

9 Jan

Into the Forest Artwork

Into the Forest Artwork

Class 4 created some amazing abstract artwork images based upon the artist David Hockney when we ventured Into the Forest. First the children looked at the artist David Hockney and his style of working when he painted landscapes of trees.


From here the pupils…

15 Dec

Christmas Calendars 2018

Christmas Calendars 2018

Class 4 painted their Christmas calendars by extending the picture they selected in the middle of the page. The children then had to imagine what their image would be like along the horizon or in the distance and then colour mix and match the photograph. As you can see…

15 Dec

Christmas Cards

Class 4 Christmas Cards

Class 4 enjoyed making their Christmas tree wordle Christmas cards. Here are their creations ...

28 Nov

Year 5 - Fractions

Class 4 Y5 Maths Fractions

In Class 4 Y5 have been working really hard solving equivalent fraction problems and were extremely proud of their learning.