Weekly blog by Alexa, Bailey, Caleb, Jenson and Millie
This week in Class 2, we have looked at the 'Great Fire of London.' 'It was in 1666,' said Jenson. 'It started in the bakery shop,' added Millie. We used oil pastels to colour the scene in Art. 'It was one of my favourite things this week,' said Bailey. 'We needed to draw it then we used the pastels to carefully colour it,' said Alexa.
We did a taste test in Science this week. We tasted lots of different salads. They included beetroot salad, potato salad, celery, fruit and nut salad and coleslaw. 'I liked them all,' said Jenson. 'But my favourite was potato salad, I wanted to eat it all but I wasn't allowed to.' 'I didn't like any of them,' added Millie. 'The worst was the celery, fruit and nut salad because it tasted funny.' 'I didn't like any of them. The beetroot was discusting,' commented Bailey. 'I loved the beetroot!' said Caleb. 'It was super tasty'. Alexas's favourite was also beetroot, 'I love beetroot. I could of eaten it all. My sister would of loved the coleslaw.'
We have had a 'super','tasty', 'busy' week in Class 2.
If you want you can take a closer look at our pictures in our photo gallery!