School Council Election
On Thursday, in Class 3, we were all very excited to hold our class school council election. Posters were made, campaigning had been done, speeches written - we were ready to stand up in front of our classmates and say why they should vote for us! After Mrs Shaw's assembly on what a school council does, and after discussing the roles further in class, lots of us signed up to stand.
We believe it is important to have a school council in school because we value each other's views. It would be the job of the pupils elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve our school.
A good school council is one that represents the views of all students and gets things done. To make an effective school council we agreed it would need the following:
- Regular meetings
- A council that is not too big
- Class councils that meet regularly
- Good communication between representatives and their class
- Smaller groups (subcommittees) working on specific events or issues
- A bank account or budget
Annual evaluations
I am extremely proud of everyone who stood for school council on Thursday and would like to say a huge congratulations to our elected member:
Year 3: Maddy and Jack
Year 4: Evie and Alexander
24 November 2017
Have you got any ideas, Maddy and Jack, about school council?
Evie D
24 November 2017
After getting into school council, I got the job I wanted too - yay!
Millie B
24 November 2017
I am very excited to announce who our class representers are in collective worship.
24 November 2017
Great job getting elected, I hope you help out in school
30 November 2017
I think all of school council members have lots of ideas
2 December 2017
I bet being on the school counsil is great and i bet you have lots of ideas
19 April 2018
Now I love been on school council because befor I was a bit nervous but I love it .