Pupil blog by Jack, Maddy, Ava and Kaitlyn
In music this week we learnt the Peter Rabbit song and actions. ‘We had to do it slowly, then miss some out and go really fast,’ said Maddy. ‘I really liked it when we went fast,‘ added Jack. ‘I liked it when we did it in silence because you could hear other people around school,’ said Kaitlyn. ‘We also did 5 ice creams in an Ice cream shop. I took Maddy away because she was an ice cream in the song,’ added Ava.
We made songs on garage band this week in ICT. ‘We got the ipads and Mr Kaye showed us what we had to do to make a song,’ said Maddy. ‘Mine and Millie's song was fast and had a really good beat,’ said Ava. ‘I really enjoyed Freya and Maddy’s song because it was really fast and loud,’ added Jack. I was working with Madeline. We both had some really good ideas and took turns to add them to our song.'