Homework Heroes - Week 6
Our homework heroes this week are the last of the Spring term. I'd just like to say well done to everyone in Class 3 for producing many pieces of amazing homework this term, I have thoroughly enjoyed looking through and marking them! The three who stood out this week are Chloe S, Billy and Maddie - well done guys!
Chloe S
created a new superpower and creature called the unihead, she can shape shift but can sometimes get out of control. Chloe also helped out making dinner this week, tasty fajitas. Chloe's dad said "Chloe chose a great healthy recipe. The chicken fajitas were delicious and I especially enjoyed the salsa and guacamole. It was tasty and healthy too!" Good job Chloe!
also created a new superpower and helped out with dinner. His superpower is called 'water', it enables you to split oceans, pull water out of the ground, move water from one place to another, breathe underwater and also propel yourself using water. Good thing: you can make water in places of famine and stop crime. Bad thing: when he waves the nearest water butt explodes. Fantastic ideas.
Second, Billy helped cook Eggs Benedict and made a delicious fruit salad. Mum said, " It was a delicious start to Mother's Day courtesy of Billy. A healthy fruit salad to kick off breakfast with at least 3 of my 5 a day, followed by my favourite, Eggs Benedict." Pete said' "A real 'kick start' breakfast, bringing to the table a balanced, nutritious, healthy and really tasty meal. The fruit salad was a zingy medley of fruits and the Eggs Benedict provided essential carbs and protein, yet keeping the fat content low. Next stop, Junior Masterchef!" - Wow, sounds like two happy customers, well done Billy.
created a very interesting super power this week, where you can turn people into stone. The creative thinking behind this superpower was that when Medusa came, people could already be turned into stone, so they were safe from her evil ways. Then once the wicked Medusa was gone, they could all return to normal and be saved. Second, Maddie drew a fantastic map of her route to school, she even included the lake and tunnel. Amazing work Maddie!!