Breakfast Club:

Our breakfast club starts at 7:30 each day and the children can enjoy toast and cereal in a friendly and relaxed environment with their friends, before being taken to class ready for registration at 8:45. 



7:30 - 8:45        £5

8:00 - 8:45        £3


After School Provision:

Whilst we do not have after school provision on site, we work closely with Aberford Childcare Services, a excellent local childminders, located within a 2 minute walk from school. Many of our children use this service and the operate a daily drop off and pick up service to and from the school playground for children who attend there. The staff are friendly and professional and have built good relationships with all school staff, ensuring excellent communication between school, parents and carers and their staff. For more information on Aberford Childcare Services please click here.